From creating a marketing plan or Customer Value Proposition, USP or event graphics content, to writing case studies, brochures, product sheets and blogs, copywriting is always part of my client projects.
My English teacher would be amazed. In fact I’m quite sure she wouldn’t believe it.
Who would have thought that the girl who was told not to write any English essays in 6th year because her hand writing was so bad, would actually spend 60% of her days writing – well, typing!
Not me!

I went to an all girls convent school. My English teacher for Leaving Cert year, we shall call her Sr CS, was not my biggest fan. She asked me in the entrance exam (when I was 12), if I was related to Annette and it went downhill from there. My sis was kinda proud of being a messer!
I think Sr CS thought not writing fortnightly essays was a punishment. Perhaps her plan was to make me so distraught, my handwriting would improve.
So every second Monday, myself and my co-terrible hand writer, Vivienne, smugly watched as English essays were collected all around us.
An important thing to note here is that I was brutal at writing English essays. Stories are not my thing.
I will never write a novel.
But understand technical products, write facts and get to the point quickly? I can do that. Brochures, case studies, blogs and company overviews? The techier the better.
By the way, my handwriting is still terrible!