Why employ a copywriter?

It can be difficult to get people to read online or print content. Getting them to read further than your website home page also isn’t easy. Good copy and a good copywriter is vital to successfully promote your products and services. A copywriter will give your content a professional feel that will encourage visitors to […]

7 questions your B2B tech website visitors need immediate answers to

B2B tech website

Your website visitors need to know what you do – quickly. If you don’t provide this immediately, then they will leave (called “bounce” in Google Analytics). This is bad for business and can lead Google into thinking your site isn’t relevant for the keywords chosen. So what information does your B2B tech website visitor need? […]

How to write a B2B press release

The press release is one of the most important pieces of marketing ammunition you have (second, occasionally, to the case study). Not only does it provide you with a format to present your news to the world, it can also be used (without circulating) to announce product updates or other less newsworthy items on your […]

B2B segmentation – differentiation is key

B2B segmentation

One of my most popular blogs is 8 ways to segment your B2B market. I thought I’d expand further on this topic and go into more detail about B2B segmentation and in particular, differentiation. Most companies have competitors. If you don’t, then your product or service either isn’t needed, or you have successfully found a […]

How to address the B2B customer journey using marketing

In a previous post, I spoke about the B2B customer journey. Here I concentrate on how to address each step of this customer journey using marketing communications tools and strategies.  Marketing communications is about understanding your target market’s problems and to effectively convey how your product solves those problems using various channels. You need to […]

The B2B customer journey

The B2B (business to business) customer journey is the process a business goes through when considering buying from another business. The complexity of the process can vary significantly depending on the type of business and product or service being purchased. As I specialise in B2B technology, this article refers to the B2B customer journey for […]

How to improve your B2B sales process

Improve B2B sales process

A B2B sales process identifies the places where prospects can’t move forward without help from a sales representative. If you haven’t already created your B2B sales process then a previous blog post “How to create a B2B sales process” will help. Read on to learn more about how you can improve B2B sales processes. Improve […]

How to create a B2B sales process

A B2B sales process is a repeatable set of steps to move your prospect from early-stage lead to closed customer. It is a prospects journey from realising they have a need to making a purchase.  The B2B sales process identifies the places where your prospect can’t move forward without help from a sales representative. According […]