The press pack is still alive and in use (aka press kit or media kit) and is now most commonly found in digital form. Press packs are used to provide journalists with the necessary company background information to write an article.

This information should also be included in the News or Press section of your website.

Press pack contents

  • Company background
  • Biographies
  • Company milestones
  • Management team photos (high and low res)
  • Company logo – (low res and 300 dpi)
  • Media contact

press packA press pack should always be included in the media/news section of your website. Most news stories are deadline driven so information is needed immediately. A digital press pack enables journalists to find copy and supporting images on your website quickly.  Sometimes publications will publish content verbatim, so you have the unique opportunity to share your corporate message through trusted news outlets.

Nowadays the press pack serves more than just the press. It is also used to educate and inform prospective employees, analysts, bloggers, customers, industry followers and business partners.

There still may be a need for hard copy press packs though, particularly at large events with press centres such as Mobile World Congress. So be sure to check that out before you attend and have plenty prepared.

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