Updated 24 Nov 17

Originally published 22 August 2014

A question on a previous blog (Why you should use social media), prompted me to create this post. This is particularly suitable for start-ups now ready to tell the world about their new product. So how do you decide which social media accounts to use?

which social media accounts

Well one person on the last post quite rightly suggested asking the customers. This is always advisable but you need to have an idea yourselves also because you can’t ask your prospects because you may not know exactly who they are.  My blog is obviously targeted at B2B tech companies, so if you are one of those then you absolutely need to be on Twitter, LinkedIn and Google Plus. Facebook is less desireable. LinkedIn is vital and LinkedIn groups are quite brilliant. Here’s a quick summary of some of the main social media accounts.

Social media audiences

Facebook                     B2C
Twitter                          B2B and B2C
LinkedIn                       B2B
G+                                B2B and B2C            There are business and personal G+ pages – use both
Pinterest                      B2C and growing for B2B (infographics)
YouTube                      B2C and B2B

Another question from this last blog was about blogging itself. Is it social media? Well it is and in fact blogs provide the basis of your own content for your social media platforms.

Social media usage

The information below from IPSOS MRBI  will also guide you as to which social media accounts to use. This shows us the percentage of Irish population on social media in August 2017.

Facebook                    64%
Twitter                         28%
LinkedIn                      24%
Google+                     24%
Instagram                   27%
Pinterest                     19%


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