Why you should use social media

Updated 31 Jul 15

In case you don’t already know by now, and, I’m sorry to say, there are still some B2B tech companies that don’t, here are just aSocial media few of the reasons why you should use (or continue to use) social media. Creating accounts isn’t enough. Increasingly, social media is becoming the means through which companies create their identity in customers’ minds.

  1. Your customers are using it – well, everybody is these days
  2. It’s a great way to interact with customers and prospects in an informal setting
  3. Supports your company’s brand
  4. Gives your company a real voice in the online world
  5. Enables you to join in in conversations related to your products and services and therefore create brand awareness and even acquire new customers

The value of a follower

Twitter did a small business survey last year and defined the value of a follower:

  • Sales: 72% are more likely to purchase from you after following
  • Reach: 70% will retweet you if they like your content
  • Word of mouth: 82% are likely to recommend an SME they follow to their friends

More reasons as to why you should use social media: SEO

Social Media is brilliant for Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). There are many, many benefits of using social media to improve SEO. Here are just a few:

  1. Account profiles (eg Facebook about, Twitter bio) are indexed and help improve search results
  2. External links are important to search engine ranking – the more social media accounts you have which include your URL, the more external links you have pointing to your site
  3. In terms of Twitter, search engines look at how many people you follow, how many follow you, and this can add some weight to a listing in regular search results
  4. Friends and followers are important – your authority becomes reflected in theirs
  5. Keywords used in tweeTwitter mistakes to avoidts can improve your SEO ranking
  6. Topic focus and relevance are important – you can become authoritative in a niche topic, even with a low number of followers
  7. Public posts on Google Plus are treated by Google as any other web content and indexed for search. (See screenshot)
  8. Studies show a powerful correlation between search rankings and the number of Google +1’s received by a URL (See Hubspot’s blog on this)
  9. Google Plus posts get crawled and indexed by Google quickly




Follow Aisling Foley Marketing on Twitter for more tips or subscribe to my newsletter below. 


One Response

  1. Really great blog Aisling, it ties into a lot of the work we do at LinkedIn in terms of driving follower engagement as part of a social recruitment strategy. Great to have the stats on Twitter to bring into the conversation 🙂

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