Why employ a copywriter?

employ a copywriterIt can be difficult to get people to read online or print content. Getting them to read further than your website home page also isn’t easy. Good copy and a good copywriter is vital to successfully promote your products and services.

A copywriter will give your content a professional feel that will encourage visitors to stay on your website and visit other pages. Here are some of the things that will and won’t happen when you employ a copywriter.

A copywriter won’t:

  • Use industry jargon
  • Be flowery
  • Take as long as you would to create content
  • Use the expression “is designed to”
  • Find your tech product too difficult or niche to do it justice

A copywriter will:

  • Focus on your customer (you, not I or we)
  • Use the least number of words possible
  • Present your product in the best light
  • Write positively
  • Bring a fresh pair of eyes to your company
  • Help figure out your message if you haven’t already
  • Provide you with good content that you can re-use across collateral and social media
  • Enhance your website with good content

You will have much more time to concentrate on stuff you are better at (and prefer to do) when you employ a copywriter. And you will get rid of the “oh god, I must write the new product sheet/blog/case study” dread you feel every time you think about creating marketing content.

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Originally published  in 2019. Updated 2025.


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