write a company overview brochureSo how do you write a company overview brochure? What do you need to include? How much should you write? You can of course go down the professional route and create a lovely brochure (ideal situation), but most likely you will have a one or two pager – more like a datasheet. And in that, most companies will find that they need some or all of the following elements:


This just needs to be around 100 words on where your company is based, why it was founded and who you help.


This can also include your target market as frequently your target market is your differentiator. But you absolutely must include why you are different from your competitors and why people should buy from you ahead of your competition. Otherwise known as your CVP (Customer Value Proposition).


This is a good opportunity to provide a quick overview of your products or services. You might also want to include a “How it works” section.


The benefits of using your products – what problems you solve.


Your customers are your biggest asset, so include their names or logos. Testimonials are good too.


Usually the web address will suffice. Keep it to a minimum, particularly if you are printing as you don’t want to have to throw a few boxes of material away if you move office or change phone numbers. Adding a contact person provides an even bigger risk of them becoming next week’s green bin contents.


Add some images and of course your logo. Images can depict your target market, or just be general “corporatey” type images. Screenshots are rarely useful. There’s a great free photo website called stocksnap.io. Here’s another I was alerted to after this post went live – pikwizard.com.


One side might be enough. But certainly a one page (front and back) provides a good basic overview brochure. If you have the budget, send it out to a graphic designer – particularly if you are printing it for use at exhibitions.

That’s it. Once you know the sections to include, it’s easy to write a company overview brochure.