9 ways to maximise a blog post

What do you do with your blog post after it has been made live and shared across social media on the day you posted it?  Well you certainly don’t just leave it at that. You need to maximise a blog post after all your hard work. Firstly you should share it across all social media […]

The best social media platforms for B2B tech businesses

There are so many social media platforms with new ones arriving regularly, that it’s hard to know if you – as a B2B tech business – should even bother to try. Is anybody in Clubhouse yet? You can find me @aislingfoley if you are. Although I haven’t done anything on it apart from a bit of eavesdropping, […]

Twitter mistakes to avoid

Contact Aisling Foley

Twitter for tech companies: Lesson 8: Twitter mistakes to avoid Updated 4 March 21 – originally posted 2014. We’ve all seen dreadful boo boos on Twitter. Some are obvious and you say there is no way I would do that (and you probably wouldn’t). But, it is still very important to think about what you are […]

How to use Hootsuite

Hootsuite logo

Updated 28 Feb 2021 Twitter for tech companies: Lesson 7: Bring your social media accounts together – using Hootsuite This lesson covers more than just Twitter and brings together all you have learnt from previous Twitter lessons. Hootsuite is a Social Media Management tool which helps you track and monitor your social media accounts. The free […]

Build a WordPress website – Part 1

Wordpress username

The techy bit. I recently attended a few of the excellent Local Enterprise Office training courses. The one I was most interested in was “How to create a WordPress website.” Whilst I am fairly fluent in WordPress once the site is up and running, I wasn’t sure about the first bit – getting a website […]

5 Irish business competitions to win investment

B2B segmentation

Updated 19 April 2023. Due to the Covid 19 situation over the last few years, it looks like a few of these did not happen. Hopefully they will return. I was prompted to create a post containing Irish business competitions to win investment after the success of my Irish Technology and Irish Business awards article. There […]

Tech Marketing Newsletter December 2020

Who would have thought that everything would change so much since my last newsletter in January?  The world has changed, we have changed and marketing has changed. Read the December 2020 edition of the Tech Marketing newsletter.  

Why your tech company needs a marketing plan

marketing plan

You’ve been doing bits and pieces of marketing over the last couple of years, probably by yourself or maybe with the assistance of a marketing graduate or intern. But you haven’t achieved the results you wanted. You know you need to do something more but aren’t sure what? Well first you need a marketing plan. […]

What to include in a competitor analysis

competitor analysis

A competitor analysis (or competitor benchmark report) is an assessment of competitors’ strengths and weaknesses. I’m quite sure that this is something you have completed at some stage, but in my experience only about 5% of tech companies have completed and continue to do competitor analyses in full. Your analysis should be a live document […]