Event planning tips
Event planning is massively time consuming. Whilst it is straightforward if you have been doing it for years, there are a lot of elements that need completion to maximise success. Here are some event planning tips based on my 25 years’ experience in the B2B marketing world. A number of skills are needed in event planning. These 5 […]
What is the difference between B2C and B2B marketing?
Marketing is marketing, right? And yes, it is to a certain extent. The planning, strategy CVP and USP processes are the same. The fact that you should be marketing a product or service that meets a need is the same. The difference is when it comes to the fourth P in the marketing mix – promotion. AKA […]
What is a CVP and why do you need one?
Defining your message is the most important thing you can do in marketing. Once you get the message right, everything else falls into place (to a certain extent!) The most important message you can create is the Customer Value Proposition or CVP. A Customer Value Proposition describes why a customer would buy from you rather […]
Copywriting and English essays
From creating a marketing plan or Customer Value Proposition, USP or event graphics content, to writing case studies, brochures, product sheets and blogs, copywriting is always part of my client projects. My English teacher would be amazed. In fact I’m quite sure she wouldn’t believe it. Who would have thought that the girl who was told not to […]
What is a USP and why do you need one?
USP stands for Unique Selling Proposition. It is a vital first step when creating your marketing message. In fact it is a vital first step before you do anything related to sales and marketing and quite probably before you even finalise your product or service. If you don’t know what makes your product unique, then […]
Free Twitter Tools
Here is a short list of some of the free Twitter tools available to help you manage your Twitter account. My personal favourites are 1 and 2. Updated 10 October 22. Hootsuite – schedule and manage your Twitter account (best use is with Twitter lists). Tweepsmap – Twitter insights including unfollows Klear – Listening, analytics, […]
How to customise your LinkedIn profile URL
Updated 1 Nov 21 (First published October 2013). Are you one of those who still hasn’t customised your LinkedIn profile URL? It’s so easy and quick to do. There is really no need to have a LinkedIn profile URL that looks like this: linkedin.com/in/firstname-surname/2a93444a/ LinkedIn brought in the ability to customise your LinkedIn profile URL […]
Internet writing tips
I do a lot of writing for clients both for the internet and product sheets or brochures. A different style is needed when writing something that is primarily going to be read on screen. This applies even more so these days as the number of people reading content on mobile phones and tablets increases (although […]
Words to avoid when writing for your business
A previous post provided some tips on How to write for the internet. This time, I’d like to dedicate some time to some of the terrible expressions I see in daily use by B2B technology companies. It is apparent that whoever is writing the product brochures or internet content (frequently an employee rather than a copywriter) looks at competing websites and picks […]